Monday, 30 May 2016

Time flies....

I have no idea where the beginning of 2016 has gone. I can only apologise to my followers for the lack of updates. It's not that I haven't been taking photos.. anyway enough of that let's get on with the interesting stuff that you come here for !

The forepeak is now fitted out and ready for varnishing, the fiddly bits of trim are going into the main saloon and D has started to bury his head in catalogs of 'boring bits' - various electricals, pumps, tanks and all the other stuff I know I ought to take more interest in but can't summon the enthusiasm for.... now give me a bit a rope..... Oh yes and a keel is allegedly on its way to us at some point. Watch this space.

A view from bow to stern shortly after turning over

A view of the galley and nav areas

The forward bulkhead and trotter boxes and the big deck beam

The aft deck supports

Cockpit side deckbeams