Later in the day, as dusk set in, another gentleman scooted over to say hello and that he had the plans to build one but hadn't started yet. We wish him all the best when he does.
Also we had a visitation from D's family. The younger element having fun bouncing up and down on deck and flicking all the switches which is essentially what sailing is all about I feel.
Today is finally the day of celebration with 30 friends and further family coming to celebrate with us.
We are now home again having had a truly lovely day with friends and family. We are so grateful that they were able to make it as it brought us together with friends we had not seen for a while as well as our incredibly hospitable newer sailing friends.
They were so hospitable in fact that we came away with a number of things to affix to the boat. Two friends were not able to attend as they had other commitments but they were very kind to send us a name plaque with Satellite's OGA number and her name.
Also we have a new clock..very nice...
The stropped block is pictured below and as you know, I like a bit of ropework and this has a nicely made rope grommet which has then been whipped to hold the block and a brass thimble. We were very touched by this and think a suitable use for it will be to support the 'Bucket of Declaration' (see earlier post).
Also there were some really nice cards which I appreciate, not being an artist myself.
One of which was very appropriate (with the exception that she is not spritsail barge) but I guess there are not many cards for builders of Golant gaffers.
It seems I have been waylaid by all things shiny and stringy... so how about the boat itself ? I took a few pictures in a quiet moment but have yet to really document the final result.
The (pointy) End...